Venice tries to be as clear and consistent as possible with the nomenclature used throughout the documentation and code base.

To that end, here’s a list of what our primitives are and examples of how you can think of them in use.

TermDescriptionExampleCreated by
OrganizationAn isolated Venice workspace with its own Connector Configs, End User’s and Users
  • Your Company Dev
  • Your Company Prod
Developer (You)
UserA developer using Venice to deliver great experiences! May belong to multiple Organizations.
Developer (You)
End UserA customer of yours gives you access to their Resource as part of using your product.
Developer (You)
ProviderA product or service that your customers use (e.g. Chase, Quickbooks). This is a concept we may reference in docs / user interface but does not yet exist as an actual entity in the Venice API / Database.
  • Chase
  • Quickbooks
  • Notion
ConnectorSource code adhering to the Venice Protocol, can be a direct connector (e.g. Quickbooks) which provides a single Integration or an aggregator connector (e.g. Plaid) that provides many Integration’s
  • Plaid
  • Merge
  • Notion
Venice Repo
IntegrationAn integration represents a Provider supported by a Connector. There can be multiple integrations for a single provider if multiple connectors support the same provider (e.g. Merge and Railz both gives you the ability to connect to Quickbooks, in addition we have a direct Quickbooks connector for a total of 3 Quickbooks Integrations).
  • Plaid’s integration with Chase
  • Venice Direct integration with Notion
Venice Connector
Connector ConfigA specific configuration of a Connector. Contains developer account credentials (e.g. client_id, client_secret), and misc configs (sandbox vs. production). Some connectors does not require configuration (e.g. Postgres). In the future can also contain sync settings (e.g. Automatically sync all Plaid items using this config to our main postgres Resource).
  • Plaid sandbox credentials
  • Quickbooks clientId and secret
Developer (You)
ResourceAssociated with a specific Connector Config. Contains customer credentials (e.g. access_token) and gives you the ability to call Provider APIs. Typically created by an End User but could also created by you in the dashboard (which then belongs to your organization). Resource can also be used as either a Source or Destination within a Pipeline
  • Plaid Item
  • Quickbooks Company
End User (Your customer)
PipelinePipeline moves data from a Source to a Destination and contains persistent state used for incremental syncs.
  • Customer Plaid Item -> Developer Postgres
  • Customer Quickbooks Company -> Developer BigQuery
Developer (You)

When we say “connect” in the user interface, we mean invoking a connector to create a resource.

Used in a sentence: A Pipeline simply connects a data Resource to/from Venice which transmits data across the Venice protocol.

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